
Saturday, July 18, 2009

MySQL: Moving ResultSet pointer after a Query

Every query must have these 4 lines:

statement = connection.createStatement();

Line 2:
String sQL = "SELECT * FROM ssession WHERE studentid=" + studentid
+" AND sem IN (SELECT MAX(sem) FROM ssession WHERE studentid="
+ studentid + ")";

Line 3:
ResultSet rsMaxSem = statement.executeQuery(sQL);

Line 4: );

The last line (Line 4) is important. After every query, the pointer location points
to the position BEFORE the first row. As such, you need to move it to
the first row before you can get anything out of it.

Note that the first line (Line 1) is also important. If you reuse a previous
statement object without creating a new one. It will cause
the previously created ResultSet to close!