
Friday, December 12, 2008

List Bug in Nokia Series 40 SDK 6th edition

Using Nokia Series 40 Emulator Edition 5:

TheList Bug:

I found a new bug in Nokia Series 40 SDK Edition 6
(which was released last month: Nov, 2008), which I
now call the 'List' Bug.

I tried to compile the following code:

private String sCities[]={"KL","PG"};
private int hr, min;

public WorldClock() throws IOException {

citylist=new List("World Clock 0.0.22",List.IMPLICIT,sCities,null);
cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.ITEM, 2);


And it raised this compiler error:

class file for javax.microedition.lcdui.ChoiceVector not found
citylist=new List("World Clock 0.0.22",List.IMPLICIT,sCities,null);

I then downloaded the earlier Edition 5 (2007) and it compiled fine.

It appears that Edition 6 SDK wrongly called the non-existent
ChoiceVector to create the List.

Status of World Clock Project:

As can be seen in image above, I am now able to simulate
an analog clock in real-time.